I am slowing down y’all, and at this point everyone should feel lucky I am wearing clothes LOL. Just kidding. I am at that point though, where I am just trying to “get there”. In this post, I am rounding up all of my bump friendly looks from the very start. I say bump friendly, because during this pregnancy I really did not purchase a ton of maternity- which was a goal of mine. It’s not that I don’t love maternity options, because there are some good ones- but I hate the thought of only wearing something during a pregnancy + the price. I hope you’ll find this helpful if your going thru a pregnancy, or planning to! I am breaking these down by trimesters for you guys, and I’ll place the link to my LTK HERE.
Second Trimester
These looks start from the months of June to approximately August. Most of what I am wearing is regular sizing, and as I’ve talked about before- when shopping for bump friendly options- a stretchy ribbed material is always a great option. I also recommend maxi dresses + t-shirt dresses too. Another tip, which you’ll see me do a lot- is taking a graphic and pairing it with a ribbed dress- you can style a ribbed dress a million ways if you do it that way- or even add a jacket + cardi + blazer!!

Third Trimester
Most of these looks start around August- until now. As you can see some of what I am wearing from the second trimester is still working into the third! I did purchase a pair of maternity bibs, which were a go to during this pregnancy. Like I said, don’t buy a ton of maternity but if you do – grab some key pieces that you’ll get to wear a lot, or that you can do a lot with.