It’s hard to believe that my little guy is turning 1. It’s even harder to believe I gave birth to him during a pandemic. Things were sooo crazy last year, and all of the unknowns were extremely scary. Somehow, everything always falls into place- thankfully. I was very nervous about having another baby, for a few reasons. It’s so funny, because I can’t imagine life without Brock now, and I know his big brother is crazy about him. It’s been a fun year watching those two bond, and grow together. At the beginning, we struggled- Brady didn’t want much to do with Brock- and I found myself crying at the drop of the hat often. Over the last year, the bond grew. The day the put Brock on my chest (I had him c-section), I felt a calmness from him. It’s funny, you feel different things with each kid (all equal) but each kid brings something different. I like to call Brock the calm to my storm, he wasn’t planned- but God knew we needed him. With Brady, I was scared of babies lol- with Brock I got the chance to redeem myself in the mom world haha. We did a baseball theme birthday for Brady, and had the uniforms made by a lady on Etsy. I decided to re-create them for Brock too- maybe one day they can pass these little uniforms down to their sons (or daughters). Brock Jaxon- your smile, your personality, and everything about you- we love you.