I plan on lumping all of my before maybe meal preps into one large post, but I thought I would go ahead and share a few as I go. This prep is pretty simple, but it’s one of those that could easily get overwhelming if you don’t go about it the easy way. For this I start with “pre-prep”. What I mean by this is basically I go ahead and chop my peppers, cook my sausage, and then I’ll cook my eggs in the oven. (I highly suggest cooking eggs in the oven when your doing larger batches- saves a ton of time). Then the actual “prep/putting together” happens at the end, and it’s really that simple. You’ll put your eggs + sausage in the tortilla wrap, and then cover in foil. I’ll store them in a large freezer bag- 90 days is about the max for that. I want to make a note, I don’t add cheese to the burritos until we get them out to eat them- it’s just a personal preference though. I also want to note that I use flour tortilla, not corn- I grabbed the wrong bag when I was prepping. Flour tortillas are more sturdy, and do better when your freezing things. Another note for the eggs, I whisk those together – add about 1/2 cup of milk, salt + pepper & then I’ll bake in a sheet pan @350 for about 25-30 min. All together this entire process from start to finish took me about 1.5 hours- this is also taking into account I had my toddler running around while doing this.
I used 12 eggs, 1lb sausage, 1 red pepper, 1 yellow pepper, 1 orange pepper, 1/2 cup milk (for the eggs), and this made around 20 burritos- total cost this meal prep was under $10- and we will have breakfast for about 2 weeks!